Thursday, June 16, 2011

C'est La Vie!

This will be my last post for awhile.  I'm headed off to attempt this:
IM France Bike Course

Ironman France.  The IM with a MOTHER of bike profile.  Take a closer look here:
Lots and lots of climbing.  And then some. Don't let those little blips at kilometer 165 fool ya.  I know better. 

Now, I am not known for my climbing abilities.  I am an Amazon.  Amazons are not climbers.  They're know for their adroit ability to reach for heavy objects on high shelves.  

The positives...
__ I will be in France.  Nice, France.  
__ My family will be with me.  All of us together. (Except for Scotty P.)
__ I will have carbo loaded on baguettes and chocolate croissants.
__ Did I say France? 

So bon jour for now.  Can't wait to post all the hairy details of the one Ironman I am least prepared for.  #Haverekindledmyloveaffairwithcokezero. #haveenjoyednightlydessert.  #havenotdonealegitimatelongbrick 
Nothing like documenting the longest day of your life -- blow by blow -- to cyberspace.  (I'm seriously worried about the 16 hour cutoff, which is one hour LESS that any Ironman in North America.)

But I'll be in France.  Yeah, France.  And such is life!

Get Up And Get Going

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Yasso 800s

Yasso 800s are what we are doing now at the track on Wednesday mornings.  It's such a simple plan: Run an 800, rest for the same amount of time it took you to run that 800, then repeat.  Start out at the track with 4 of them your first week, then add one per week until you reach 10, which should be about two weeks out from your marathon.

Here's the key, if you are aiming for a 3:30 marathon, try and run a 3:30 800.  If you are aiming for a 4 hour marathon, aim for a 4-minute 800, get it?  Choose your time, work toward your goal, and keep it simple...


**800 = 2 laps on around the track.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's Really NOT About The Bike

With another Ironman looming in the not-too-distant future, obsessing about the race starts to balloon in my thoughts.  Am I taking the right bike for the climbs?  Are my shoes going to feel good for the run?  Will my goggles fog?  Have I trained enough?  Hydration, nutrition, endurance - oh my!

But after reading Bob Babbitt's narrative in Triathlete Magazine about his first Iron Journey in 1979, I'm 100 percent sure that it's NOT about carbon fiber, locking laces or aerobars.

Here's a brief excerpt from his article:
Bob Babbitt and friend -

"(In 1980, I) bungee-corded a (radio) to the padded handlebars of my $75 fire-damaged police auction bike, which also had a fuzzy raccoon seat cover, solid rubber tires because I couldn't change a flat plus panniers holding my sleeping bag and tent.  Since I thought Ironman was a two-day event (swim 2.4 and ride 56 on day one, ride 56 and run 26.2 on day two) it made sense to carry a portable hotel room, right?

When I emerged from Ala Moana Channel, I put on my long-sleeve shirt along with khaki shorts and belt, mounted up and headed off on the second part of my Ironman adventure.  Riding through Waikiki I turned on my radio and started to enjoy a day that I will never forget.

My crew gave me a Big Mac, fries and a Coke about 25 miles into the ride, a root beer snow cone at mile 80 and then a 45-minute massage between the bike and the run, which means I probably have one of the longest Ironman bike-to-run transitions ever.  

The marathon was more of a walk a shuffle than a run, but it didn't matter.  By that time I had already surprised myself.  I had no idea that I could complete this unbelievable event all in one day.  So when I did, I felt like I now had this business card in my pocket for the rest of my life that let me know I could accomplish anything I set my mind to - whether it was in business, sport or life."

Indeed, it's ALL about the journey and the experience -- not about a ten thousand dollar bike.

Enjoy the event.  Train hard.  And as Dori says, "Just keep swimming!"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Podium Stance At All Times

In the book "The Mental Edge" by Kenneth Baum, the author writes about how to maintain a positive  attitude while training and racing in any athletic event.  It's a good read if you struggle with self-doubt.  Here's a tip from his book:

"Your posture is a direct link to the brain, and it can dramatically influence your self-confidence and your performance.  Assume the body posture you would have if you were playing at peak levels.  How would you be standing if you were at the top of your game?  How would you be moving?  What would your facial expression be?  Assume and maintain that posture and your game will improve."
Que lindo es sonar despierto.
How lovely it is to dream while you are awake.

Dreams That Have Come True