Thursday, June 16, 2011

C'est La Vie!

This will be my last post for awhile.  I'm headed off to attempt this:
IM France Bike Course

Ironman France.  The IM with a MOTHER of bike profile.  Take a closer look here:
Lots and lots of climbing.  And then some. Don't let those little blips at kilometer 165 fool ya.  I know better. 

Now, I am not known for my climbing abilities.  I am an Amazon.  Amazons are not climbers.  They're know for their adroit ability to reach for heavy objects on high shelves.  

The positives...
__ I will be in France.  Nice, France.  
__ My family will be with me.  All of us together. (Except for Scotty P.)
__ I will have carbo loaded on baguettes and chocolate croissants.
__ Did I say France? 

So bon jour for now.  Can't wait to post all the hairy details of the one Ironman I am least prepared for.  #Haverekindledmyloveaffairwithcokezero. #haveenjoyednightlydessert.  #havenotdonealegitimatelongbrick 
Nothing like documenting the longest day of your life -- blow by blow -- to cyberspace.  (I'm seriously worried about the 16 hour cutoff, which is one hour LESS that any Ironman in North America.)

But I'll be in France.  Yeah, France.  And such is life!


  1. Good luck, Lori! That's exciting.
    Eat a chocolate croissant for me.

  2. you can do it! but more than that, you - most of all you, lorie tucker - can enjoy it even when it hurts! yeah lorie!


Que lindo es sonar despierto.
How lovely it is to dream while you are awake.

Dreams That Have Come True