Thursday, May 3, 2012

To Be An Athletic Supporter

by Amy Demke 

"Do you want to volunteer at Ironman with me?" Lorie asked me this years ago when she had just started doing marathons.

"Sure! I love to volunteer." I served in volunteer clubs in high school and I belong to a church that is certainly no stranger to volunteerism.

Registering athletes is inspiring on many levels. There truly is no age barrier, no body type you don't see, no color of skin not represented. They come from countries all over the world and no matter the language they speak they offer a thanks for volunteering.

At the Phoenix Marathon, I was able to meet some fellow senior volunteers who also help weekly at Arizona Brain Food. They do it just because they can. I saw people who were in the race who were volunteering as well because extra hands were needed. I saw my own children volunteering. Sure, Carly wanted to be a part of the Arnett dance party but she was still helping!

So I think back to the first Ironman and the different paths Lorie and I took. When she exclaimed how awesome that experience was she meant she was inspired to train for one. I was inspired to cheer her on.

To quote a line from the movie Grease, " If you can't be an athlete than be an athletic supporter!"

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