THIS is me. No significant bone growth and perhaps WORSE after three weeks in a sling. Apparently I am "moving" too much. What a surprise. In three weeks I'll return to my orthopedic surgeon for another X-ray and another update.
In the meantime -- no running, no cycling, no swimming, no....walking! (I guess my doctor saw me walking too briskly with the neighborhood ladies). And so I wait. And practice patience.
Patience. What an underrated virtue. A virtue I need to acquire. I'm waking up in the morning with time on my hands. Coaching on deck at the pool and just dying to jump in. I want to stretch my arms far above my head as I dive in and reach my hands in front of me to find the solid water and push my body past it in beautiful, effortless strokes.
Instead I scroll through Instagram double tapping as my friends cross the finish line of the Boston Marathon and the Whiskey 50 mountain bike race. I "like" it when my pals post artsy photos of them trail running in the canyon or hiking to some unbelievable summit.
But in the grand scheme of things, this is a blip on the radar. Sometimes setbacks give you the umph you need to reaffirm your passion. I'm coming back, better and stronger and more determined to be my best self.
Segway that into another book recommendation.
You know I am a fan of reading and this break has done wonders to renew that love. If you are a mother, are married to a mother, have a mother or want to be a mother, THIS book is worth purchasing for that special woman in your life. With Mother's Day around the corner, I'd suggest buying in bulk for gifts for every mother you love. It's a motivator, a guidance counselor and a hug to moms of all walks of life. My dear friend Janeen Wright is a contributor to this excellent little book of wisdom. I applaud her and all the moms who shared their stories. It will sit on my bedside for years to come, so I can reach for it if I am ever feeling inadequate or overwhelmed.
Patience, now, while I read another chapter.