Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Love It When People DREAM BIG

What's the saying?  A picture's worth a thousand words?  Here's one for the books at Oceanside 70.3.  Congratulations to Ben, Emily, Jacque and Kimberly.  Nice job today!
Ben and Emily -- all smiles and happiness.  

"Seriously, seventy point three?"

"Wetsuit, check.  Tires pumped, check.  Nutrition on bike, check.  PR -- check."

"I am on my way!  And don't I look good in my Gorilla kit?"

"So what if I did drop my bottle of Perpetuem five miles into the race,  look at me now!"  
Or..."This medal is heavier than I thought!  When can I sit down?"

"My wife rocks.  Oh, and I do too since I just killed it today!"
Or, "Wait, we are driving home to our five kids tonight?!"


Que lindo es sonar despierto.
How lovely it is to dream while you are awake.

Dreams That Have Come True