Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last Long Run

You've put in the time, the hours, the miles, and now your marathon is within sight.  So when do you do your last long run?

According to running expert Bart Yasso:  "Ideally, you'd do your last long run three weeks before race day to give your body ample time to adapt to and recover from the challenges of the workout.  For many runners, the last long run will be their longest, reaching 20 to 23 miles.  Two weeks out, you'll still log a decent distance - from 13 for newbies to 16 for experienced marathoners.  It just doesn't seem as "long" in contrast to your previous efforts.  If you have scheduling conflicts, you can move your last long run to four weeks before race day and still reap the benefits of the distance.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to start running again, I hope in January I can start training again.


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