Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World War 2 and Aerial Double Fulls

Daughter Number Three is busy researching the causes of World War II today.  She's at the computer, reading, typing, studying.  And it's Summer Break.  Her friends are spending the day at Big Surf then heading to the cool, dark theater caves that are so delicious in Arizona this time of year.

But not Rachel.  She's taking online school.  She's getting ahead of her classwork so next fall she can leave her high school campus early.  She's done this year after year - taking classes in the summer so she can get to her gym by 1:30 p.m.  Rachel is a Level 10 gymnast.  There are 10 levels, then Elite.  Elites represent their teams at World and Olympic competitions.

Here's where I'm going with this.  It's easy to brush off a champion like Michael Phelps or Lance Armstrong and say, "Hey, they've got the genes for it." It's a well known fact that Lance's heart is larger and can pump out more oxygen than typical humans.   And Michael Phelps, well he's was built to swim.

What we seem to forget is the sacrifices these athletes have made.  They've chosen work over play and focus over fun.  Their hours are filled with trial and error, repetition and pain.  They have chosen the road less traveled.  They have practiced self control.  And they have earned the accolades that come with their sport.

And what about you?  What do you want to achieve?  What do you dream about?  Are you ready to work, really work, to get there?  Are you ready to give up something to be better? There's a price for excellence.   Can you afford it?


  1. Love your blog! Motivating, inspiring, a little of what we all need! And congrats on the France Ironman Registration! Sounds incredible!


Que lindo es sonar despierto.
How lovely it is to dream while you are awake.

Dreams That Have Come True